I also recommend you use The Prophets of Allah Volume II by Mildred El-Amin
Questions for discussion: These questions can be asked throughout the week at appropriate intervals to check child's understanding of the story of prophet ibrahim (as) and the details of his life and message.
1.) Who is prophet ibrahim's (as) father? What did he do for a living? He was Aazar a well known idol sculptor.
2.) As a young boy how did prophet ibrahim feel about his father's idols ? He kicked them, played with them and rode on their backs. When he knew that people worshipped them he rejected this idea and was disgusted and repulsed.
3.) What did ibrahim say to himself that night when he saw a shining star? What did he say when he saw the moon? The sun?
When he saw the star he said "Could this be my Lord?" But when it set he said: "I don't like those that set." The star has disappeared, it could not be God. God is always present. Then he saw the moon rising and said could this be my Lord?" But it also set. At daybreak, he saw the sun rising and said: "Could this be my Lord, this is bigger?" But when the sun set he said: "O my people I am free from all that you join as partners with Allah! I have turned my face towards Him Who created the heavens and the earth, and never shall I give partners to Allah." Our Lord is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and everything. He has the power to make the stars rise and set.
4.)What happened when ibrahim invited his father to islam? He rejected him and threatened to stone him.
5.)What did Ibrahim do to the idols in the temple? He smashed them all up except for the biggest one. He hung the ax around the neck of the biggest one.
6.) What were the people's reaction when the saw what Ibrahim had done? They were angry and they threw Ibrahim (as) into the fire.
7.) What happened to Ibrahim in the fire? Nothing. Allah ordered the fire to be cool and it did not burn Ibrahim.
8.)Why did the King of Babylon fear Ibrahim? He was pretending he was god and did not want the people to believe Ibrahim and stop worshipping him.
9.)What did Nimrod ask Ibrahim and what was the answer?
What can your god do that I cannot?
-My Lord is He Who gives life and death." Ibrahim said
-I give life and death. I can bring a person from the street and have him executed, and I can grant my pardon to a person who was sentenced to death and save his life." The king said
10.) How did Ibrahim respond?
Well my Lord Allah makes the sun rise from the East. Can you make it rise from the West?
Suggested Activities:
1.) QURAN STUDY Read 21:51-75 (the quranic narration of Ibrahim smashing the idols.) Discuss the motivation for Ibrahim's actions and the stupidity of the people.
Ch 6:75-83 and Ch 41:37 aloud and discuss with your children the Oneness of Allah. Discuss the supreme power of Allah(swt) and how the earth, sun , moon , planets all follow the commands of Allah (swt). (link to online Quran at http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/quran/)
2.)Discuss idol worship. It'd be like worshipping toys or a cup or a vase. It doesn't make sense and it also shows one's ingratitude towards Allah's gifts and blessings and shows our denial of Allah's existence. (Another, but perhaps controversial, activity would be to make a clay/playdough sculpture (you could even use an edible playdough or find an alternative or odd recipe at http://www.icomm.ca/daycare/cardsi06.html or just sand or mud) and discuss how it can't even save itself as you smash it...using Ibrahim's logic. This could also be done with legos or a bionicle or kinex if the mom isn't interested in a messy project.
3: Go outside on a clear night and look up at the stars and the moon. Admire the beautiful and wondrous creation and discuss how Ibrahim must of felt in awe of the Creator. It would be great to go out the last part of the night before sunrise and pray under the open skies.
4:Burn something and see the carbon that is leftover. Discuss elements. Discuss how Allah makes something burn and that the fire doesn't do it alone nor can we do it without Allah's will. Discuss fire and see different colors in flame. Which part/color of the flame is the hottest?
5: Act out the Nimrod and Prophet Ibrahim conversation.
Goal: Read part 2 of Ibrahim's story (as) and understand his status as 'father of the prophets'.
I recommend you use The Prophets of Allah Volume II by Mildred El-Amin and you can also refer to
Questions for discussion: These questions can be asked throughout the week at appropriate intervals to check child's understanding of the story of prophet ibrahim (as) and the details of his life and message.
1.)Who were the only people who believed in Ibrahim's message?
Sarah and Lot
2.)When everyone rejected prophet Ibrahim's message, he decided to leave for the sake of Allah. What is this kind of journey called? hijrah
3.)Sarah became Ibrahim's wife. As time went on Sarah and Ibrahim began to get old and Sarah had not been able to have children. What did she do? she offered Ibrahim to take Hajar (her servant) as a wife and prayed that they would be able to have a child.
4.) Did Hajar have a child? Who was that child? Hajar became the mother of prophet Ishmael.
5.)Where did Ibrahim take Hajar and baby Ishmael? high hill called al-Marwa, made her and her baby sit under a tree, placed a bag of dates and some water near her.
6.) Why did Ibrahim take them there? Allah(swt) had ordered him too.
7.) When Hajar found out that Allah(swt) had ordered Ibrahim to leave them there, what was her reaction? She knew Allah would not neglect them.
8.)What did Ibrahim pray for as he left? O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring dwell in a valley with no cultivation, by Your Sacred House, in order that they may offer prayers. So fill some hearts among men with love towards them, and provide them with fruits, so that they may give thanks."
9.)What happened to Hajar and Ishmael on al-Marwa hill? Hajar kept nursing Ishmael until there was no more water. They became very thirsty.
10.) What did she then do? She left him on the al-Marwa hill and hurried to the nearest hill, as-Safa. She stood there and started looking at the valley keenly so that she might see somebody, but she could not see anybody. She descended from as-Safa, crossed the valley running and reached al-Marwa hill. She stood and started looking but could see nobody. She kept running between as-Safa and al-Marwa seven times. When she reached al-Marwa for the last time, she was exhausted, she sat next to the baby.
11.)What did Hajar see? She saw an angel, Angel Jibreel, digging the earth until water flowed ! She built a little basin around it. She scooped water with her hands, drank, filled her water-skin, and nursed her baby.
12.) What is this place called until today? The place from which water flowed was Zamzam
13.) Arabs traveling through the desert saw birds flying around al-Marwa. What did they think when they saw the birds? there must be water
14.) What happened after they arrived at the water? The saw Hajar and asked her if they could stay and share here water. They sent for their families and established permanent residence. The valley became alive.
15.) What happened to baby Ishmael there? He grew up, learned arabic and got married .
16.)How did Ibrahim and Ishmael feel when they finally saw each other again? It was the happiest moment for both father and son.
17.)What dream did Ibrahim have about Ishmael? He is slaughtering him. Discuss how Ibrahim felt.
18.) What was Ishmael's reaction? He told his father to do what he was commanded. Ishmael was patient. Note how much a true, selfless, and courageous believer Ishmael was.
19.) What happened as Ibrahim attempted to sacrifice Ishmael? A big sheep was sent down from heaven to be slaughtered instead of Ismail, which Ibrahim did, and they both had a big celebration that day.
20.) What is this event known as today? Eid al-adha
21.) What command was given to Ibrahim ? To build the sacred Kaba
22.) After it was built what did Angel Jibrel come down and show them? The rituals of Hajj.
23.) What is the name of the stone that Ibrahim stepped on? Makam Ibrahim. Note the Quran verses 3:96-97
24.) Angels visited prophet Ibrahim and his wife Sarah and gave him great news. What was it? He was to have another son. That son is Ishaac.
25.) Ibrahim and Sarah were very old by then. How is it possible? Allah can do anything.
24.) Why is Ibrahim called the father of the prophets? From him descended all the prophets that came after including Muhammad (saws)
Suggested Activities
1.)QURAN STUDY: Read the prayer of Ibrahim 14:35-41.
What is Ibrahim asking in this prayer? What does he hope for? What are some of the qualities of prophet Ibrahim? Have a discussion with your children about what they pray for and good things to ask Allah(Swt) for when we make dua.
(link to online Quran at http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/quran/),
2.) Map WorkProphet Ibrahim was born in Ur, a place in Iraq. Later, Ibrahim , Sarah and Lot made hijrah to Syria and he then traveled through palestine and Egypt. Finally settling down in Arabia.Using a world wall map that you may already have in your home, retrace the travels of prophet Ibrahim. Then use this blank map to label the countries of the middle east and retrace Ibrahim's travels on paper.
They can label the waterways blue, label the city of Mecca, draw the Kaba, a mountain for Marwa and Saffa and put H2o or a pic of ZamZam well.
3.) Build a Kaba! (model that is)Prophet Ibrahim built the kabah with the help of Ishmael under the command of Allah. Make a Kaba model yourself!
The Size of the Kabah:
The current height of the Kabah is 39 feet, 6 inches and total size comes to 627 square feet.
The inside room of the Kabah is 13x9 meters. The Kabah's walls are one meter wide. The floor inside is 2.2 meters higher than the place where people perform Tawaf.
The ceiling and roof are two levels made out of wood. They were reconstructed with teak which is capped with stainless steel. The walls are all made of stone. The stones inside are unpolished, while the ones outside are polished.
This small building has been constructed and reconstructed by Prophets Adam, Ibrahim, Ismail and Muhammad (peace be upon them all). No other building has had this honor.
The Other Names of the Kabah
Literally, Kabah in Arabic means a high place with respect and prestige. The word Kabah may also be derivative of a word meaning a cube. Some of these other names include:
1. Bait ul Ateeq - which means, according to one meaning, the earliest and ancient. According to the second meaning, it means independent and liberating. Both meanings could be taken.
2. Bait ul Haram - the honorable house.
Scholars and historians say that the Kabah has been reconstructed between 5 to 12 times. The very first construction of the Kabah was done by Prophet Adam (peace be upon him). Allah says in the Quran that this was the first house that was built for humanity to worship Allah. After this, Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail (peace be upon them) rebuilt the Kabah.
The measurements of the Kabah's foundation by Ibrahim are as follows:
the eastern wall was 48 feet and 6 inches
the Hateem side wall was 33 feet
the side between the black stone and the Yemeni corner was 30 feet
the Western side was 46.5 feet
Following this, there were several constructions before the Prophet Muhammad's (s.a.w.) time.
Week 3
Goal: Review Ibrahim's travels to Mecca with his wife Hajar. Review Hajar's plight and her journey between the hills of Safa and Marwa , origins of ZamZam, Prophet Ibrahim's dream about Ishmael, and the building of the Kabah. Learn that these incidents established the rituals of Hajj that muslims do today.
1.) QURAN STUDY: Read and discuss 2:124-130. What did Ibrahim pray for ? Read 22:26-36
and discuss. What are some of the important rites of hajj that are commanded in these verses?
(link to online Quran at http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/quran/)
2.) Go on a Virtual Hajj. Retrace the steps of Hajar, visit the well of Zamzam and see the Kabah. Go on a virutal Hajj
3.) Imaginary play. Remember the Kabah model you made last week? Place it in a tray of sand and create sand hills of safa and marwa and mount Arafat. Using hot wheel cars, airplanes, and ships demonstrate how people come from all over the world to make hajj. When they get there pretend they are making hajj. How you and your children play this game is up to your imagination.
4.)VOCABULARY LIST : Learn these terms and thier definitions:
Arafat: A plain east of Makka. Pilgrims present themselves here for the wuquf
or 'the standing' . The prophet Muhammad delivered his last sermon here
Hajr Aswad: The black stone
Haram: Sacred precincts of Makka and Medina
Ihram : pilgrim's robe consisting of two seamless white sheets or towels.
Kabah.: We know it is the shrine built by the prophet Ibrahim in Mecca but did you know the word means cube? Muslims from all over the world face the Kabah when we pray.
Kiswa: The covering of the Kaba
Maqam Ibrahim: The standing place of the prophet Ibrahim marked in the vicinity of the Kaba
Mina: A small town near Mecca where the pilgrims stay in during hajj.
Safa and Marwa: Two small hills near the Kabah between which pilgrims go back and forth 7 times to re-enact Hajar's search for water.
Tawaf: A rite of hajj which is performed by going around the kabah 7 times
ZamZam: A well near the kabah that appeared when Hajar and Ishmael were thirsty.
Word puzzles for reinforcement of some of the terms:
*** Bonus Activity: Here is a project that I always wanted to do but never had a big enough box! Well if you can get ahold of a big refrigerator or similar sized box , spray paint it black or cover it with a black sheet and but this kid-size kaba model in your back yard. Make a tent and camp out in 'Mina' and pretend to go on a backyard Hajj. I have heard of a sister putting her Kabah model in a kiddie sized pool filled with sand and letting the kids make 'tawaf'. It is possibly a good idea for a party theme.
Week 4
Goal: Conclude our study of the life of prophet Ibrahim with an understanding of his traits and characteristics and his status in Islam.
Review prophet ibrahim's story and discussion questions to check for understanding.
Ask children : What are some things you can tell me about Prophet Ibrahim?
possible answers:
From him all prophets after descended
He is the father of Isaac and Ishmael
His father was an idol worshipper
He built the Kabah
1.)Quran Study: How is Ibrahim described in the following passages? 3:67-68 and what does Allah (swt) call Ibrahim in 4:125? (link to online Quran at http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/quran/)
2.)Write a poem about the characteristics of prophet Ibrahim. Choose style appropriate for age level. A list of poetry forms can be found at :
I like the twig easel but it will require alot of mommy-participation with a hot glue gun!
4.)Prophet Tree: Add prophet to the prophet tree.
Available books:
The Prophets of Allah : Volume II by Mildred El-Amin
Ibrahim by Amina Ibrahim Ali (one of a set of 21 booklets )
Online reading:
Enrichment Reading:


Saniyasnain Khan/Achla Anand/Achal K Anand
Ages 6-7, 24 pg PB
Enrichment Activity:
The Story of Prophet Ibrahim
Arabic Software

Overview and purchase information available at